Radar Contact is the most complete Air Traffic Control (ATC) add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Previous versions of Radar Contact (RC) were based on adventures, which provided a realistic ATC environment. With the introduction of FS2002, adventures were no longer a viable option for RC.
Radar Contact will take Air Traffic Control to the next level. By implementing current 7110.65 FAA Rules, with more in-depth implementation of real world procedures, and many of the ICAO rules, Radar Contact puts you in the left seat where you will fly under today's current ATC jurisdiction.
RC allows you to fly Departure Procedures, will accurately handle emergencies, give you the option to file and fly specific approaches, allow you to practice those approaches, and allow you to fly to your alternate airport when the weather is below minimums. RC also supports an in-flight change of destination to any airport in the world.